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Healing the body-mind relationship by clearing the body, by shifting the attitudes about the body, and its importance. Clearing misunderstandings about the body fostered by religious dogma. Clearing self-disapproval marketed by product and process vendors.

Physical comfort can become a trap.

Habits you will want:
Eat small portions
Drink lots of clean water
Exercise to enhance circulation and muscle tone
Drive carefully & mindfully
Regularly use a stress-reducing process like THC, EFT, meditation
Groom often and well
Take care of your feet
Avail yourself of alternative health modalities
Seek to remedy causes rather than symptoms
Avoid ‘breaking skin’
Breathe deeply
Do stretching exercises
Concentrate on your posture
Take care of all your body parts
Drink good red wine
Go without wearing underclothing, at least periodically. Enjoy the freedom.
Get enough sunshine
Killing animals for food isn’t sustainable. Renewable foodstuffs are easier on your body & theirs.
Chew your food slowly and very well. It’s the first step in good digestion.
Drink plenty of water
Avoid drinking soda pop
Put your fork or spoon down between bites
Do cleanses
Practice mindful breathing
Bathe in unpolluted, unchemicalized bodies of water
Avoid chemicals no matter how profitable they are for others
Naps and good rest are great investments in you.