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Principles of 120 and Healthy

The principles that can help you to live to be 120andHealthy are the same ones that can maximize your health, happiness, and fulfillment. They are the same principles that can minimize the risk of your being processed on the table of today’s medical and pharmaceutical industries.

You have not been taught what you need to know in order to be 120andHealthy. In fact, a lot of what you have been taught is the opposite of what you need to know. And, a lot of what you know is not true.

Principle 1: The Source of Happiness, the Source of Life, the Source of Success, in fact, the Source of Everything comes from the Source of Everything and we can know that One Source.

  • Going to the Source for what we want is so obvious that it is often overlooked. People usually look for what they want where it is not and then settle for substitutes.
  • We are of that same Source and as we learn this, we express Source Energy in our lives.

Principle 2: Creating health and happiness for ourselves is our individual responsibility. It is an honorable goal.

  • Convincing ourselves or someone else to the contrary is enslavement of self or others.
  • Taking responsibility for our health and happiness will produce more health and happiness. The quality of our own life will be improved as well as the lives of our loved ones.

Principle 3: Self-Awareness leads to Self-Acceptance.

  • Healing untruths makes the real You visible and available
  • What you have been told about whom and what you are is loaded with errors.
  • These identification errors interfere with your happiness and success.

Principle 4: No one can get to 120 and Healthy without being balanced and in harmony in the major areas of life. We call those areas the ‘12 Worlds.

  • Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical, Family, Career, Financial, Social, Leisure, Community, Political, Maintenance Worlds

Principle 5: Self-control is the best and only workable form of control.

  • Self-control and self-responsibility lead to healthy power
  • Common untruths have to be set aside, such as: control of others leads to happiness and happiness is derived from something outside of oneself.

Principle 6: Life is designed to be healthy and happy.

  • Misunderstandings lead people to try to limit the health and happiness of others in order to be healthy and happy themselves.
  • The truth is there is enough for all of us.

Principle 7: Relationships are energetic interconnections.

  • You are a Creation of Source.
  • The relationship between you and Source is the first and most important relationship.
  • The relationships between you and other Creations of Source are the second most important relationships.
  • The relationships between you and what you want to create are the third most important relationship.

Principle 8: Choices and decisions create our lives.

  • Health and life, happiness and hardship, disease and death result from our choices and decisions.

Principle 9: Think for yourself.

  • Until you embrace your Co-Creative role and its rights and responsibilities in your life you won’t achieve happiness and success.
  • Your education was filled with being taught what other people think. We memorized their opinions.
  • You can notice that you live your life according to other people’s thoughts.
  • It takes courage to think for yourself but you can have the necessary courage.

Principle 10: Emotions and feelings are solutions, not problems.

  • Denying these tools of our awareness harms us and others.

Principle 11: ‘Not Enoughness’ is the belief that becomes the motor of the vehicle driving towards death.

  • Not Enoughness is a misunderstanding and/or a marketing ploy, depending on the source.

Principle 12: ‘Change of state’ is often misunderstood and therefore feared.

  • Going from one condition or ‘state’ to another requires acceptance of change and the unknowability of some factors.  We can be willing to act in spite of that.

Principle 13: Pollution results in sickness.

  • It is easy to ‘ingest’ toxins and toxic vibrations through what we eat, drink, breathe, touch, see, hear, think, feel, and talk about.
  • An awareness of poisonous vibrations is essential to health.

Principle 14: People don’t need to be sick, ‘pilled’, operated on, suffer, be hospitalized, or have replacement surgery except under dire situations.

  • Nor do they have to spend enormous sums of money, experience complications from treatments, and then die well before their time.
  • Life’s difficulties and challenges don’t need to be exacerbated by mistakes in judgment, or following ‘Judas goats’ to our detriment and death.
  • Marketing ‘machines’, such as pharmaceutical companies, American Medical Association, the ‘war industry’, oil companies, the prison industry, etc., drive behaviors in ways that benefit them and punish us.
  • Often, the pharmaceutical and medical industries are to people what the cattle industry and the meat processors are to a steer.

Principle 15: Coaching helps people become masterful.

  • You will want a coach when there is something you have been unable to achieve on your own.
  • You will want a coach when your own patterns prevent you from seeing what is possible.
  • Effective practice + small steps lead to expertise and progress.

Principle 16: “It is all good.”

  • The ability and wisdom to see that ‘what is’ right now is exactly what was created by us individually and collectively are immediately life changing. It can set one free from victimhood.

Principle 17: The major human activities in a world of people 120 and Healthy will be different than today’s. Priorities will shift toward:

  • Self-development and work to connect with God, the Earth, and its peoples.
  • Discovery of self and life-enhancing possibilities.
  • Education rather than consumption, conflict, and battles for supremacy.
  • Seeking the Christ Within on a personal basis.