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Your Spiritual life is foundational to everything else you experience.  We recognize that the invisible is the parent of the visible. We can pay attention to the Invisible.

Please don’t confuse religions with spirituality. Spirituality is related to spirit or Spirit. Religions are businesses that have inserted themselves between us and God and purport to manage our relationships with God.

Habits you will want:


Best Prayer I Have Heard In A Long Time…

Heavenly Father, Help us remember that the jerk who cut us off in traffic last night is a single mother who worked nine hours that day and is rushing home to cook dinner, help with homework, do  the dishes & laundry and spend a few precious moments with her

Help us to remember that the pierced, tattooed, disinterested young man who can’t make change correctly is a worried 19-year-old college student, balancing his apprehension over final exams with his fear of not getting his student loans for next semester.

Remind us, Lord, that the scary looking bum, begging for money in the same spot every day (who really ought to get a job!) is a slave to addictions that we can only imagine in   our worst nightmares.

Help us to remember that the old couple walking annoyingly slow through the store aisles and blocking our shopping progress are savoring this moment, knowing that, based on the biopsy report she got back last week, this will be the last year that they go shopping together.

Heavenly Father, remind us each day that, of all the gifts you give us,
the greatest gift is love. Help us know it is not enough to only share that love with
those we hold dear. Open our hearts to all humanity.

Let us be slow to judge and quick to forgive, show patience, empathy and love.

Talk to God

Thank God

Learn and practice self-control
Say prayers aloud
Say grace over each meal
Think about the meaning of life, yours in particular
Practice silently broadcasting love vibrations at people, things, and yourself
Love a pet and allow the pet to love you
Make knowing and accepting yourself as a Creation of God your highest priority.

Let that self-acceptance spill over to all people, things, and actions in your life.


o Walter Russell’s books and the book about him by Glenn Clark
o Go Up And Seek God by Vianna
o Right Use of Will by Ceanne DeRohan
o www.Abraham-Hicks.com “Law of Attraction”, books, CDs, etc.
o The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi Dowling
o The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding

Coaching Sessions to heal Spiritual Conflict.

Being at war with God or Spirit is absolutely unworkable.
It is like hitting yourself with a hammer to prove a point!

If I were limited in the number of books I could have in my possession, The Aquarian Gospel would be one book I would certainly keep with me. So beautiful to read, read aloud, and ponder. Here is an excerpt, one of my many favorite chapters.

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ

Chapter 92, all verses 1-28

Now, Lazarus was at the feast and Jesus and the twelve went with him to his home in Bethany.

2 And Lazarus and his sisters made a feast for Jesus and the twelve; and Ruth and Asher came from Jericho; for Asher was no longer hostile to the Christ.

3 And while the guests sat at the board behold a cry, The village is a-fire! And all rushed out into the streets, and lo, the home of many neighbors were in flames.

4 And is an upper room an infant lay asleep and none could pass the flames to save. The mother, wild with grief, was calling on the men to save her child.

5 Then, with a voice that made the spirits of the fire pale and tremble,  Jesus said, Peace, peace, be still!

6 And the he walked through smoke and flame, climbed up the falling stair, and in a moment came again, and in his arms he brought the child. And not a trace of fire was on himself, his raiment, or the child.

7 Then Jesus raised his hand, rebuked the spirits of the fire, commanding them to cease their awful work, and be at rest.

8 And then, as though the waters of the sea were all at once poured on the flames, the fire ceased to burn.

9 And when the fury of the fire was spent the multitudes were wild to see the man who could control the fire, and Jesus said,

10 Man was not made for fire, but fire was made for man.

11 When man comes to himself and comprehends the fact that he is son of God, and knows that in himself lies all the powers of God, he is a master mind and all the elements will hear his voice and gladly do his will.

12 Two sturdy asses bind the will of man: their names are Fear and Unbelief. When these are caught and turned aside, the will of man will know no bounds; then man has but to speak and it is done.

13 And then the guests returned and sat about the board. A little child came in and stood by Jesus’ side.

14 She laid her hand on Jesus’ arm and said, Please, Master Jesus, hear! My father is a drunken man; my mother toils from morn till night and when she brings her wages home my father snatches them away and squanders every cent for drink, and mother and us little ones are hungry all the night.

15 Please, Master Jesus, come with me and touch my father’s heart. He is so good and kind when he is himself; I know it is the wine that makes another man of him.

16. And Jesus went out with the child; he found the wretched home; he spoke in kindness to the mother and the little ones, and then upon a bed of straw he found the drunken man.

17 He took him by the hand and raised him up and said, My brother, man, made in the image of our Father-God, will you arise and come with me?

18 Your neighbors are in sore distress; they have lost all they had in this fierce fire, and men must build their homes again and you and I must lead the way.

19 And then the man arose; the two went arm in arm to view the wrecks.

20 They heard the mothers and the children crying tin the streets; they saw their wretchedness.

21 And Jesus said, My friend, here is a work for you to do. Just lead the way in helpfulness; I am sure the men of Bethany will furnish you the means and help.

22 The spark of hope that had so long been smoldering in the man was fanned into a flame. He threw his ragged coat aside; he was himself again.

23 And then he called for help; not for himself, but for the homeless ones; and everybody helped. The ruined homes were built again.

24 And then he saw his own poor den; his heart was stirred into its depths.

25 The pride of manhood filled his soul; he said, This wretched den shall be a home. He worked as he had never wrought before, and everybody helped.

26 And in a little while the den became a home indeed; the flowers of love bloomed everywhere.

27 The mother and the little ones were filled with joy; the father never drank again.

28 A man was saved, and no one ever said a word about neglect or drunkenness, nor urged him to reform.