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Rules to LiveToBe120andHealthy-Rule #3

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tom @ 11:01 pm

Get Excited and Stay Excited!

Being alive is not the same as being a D battery with a finite amount of energy stored in it.

Years ago when I lived on West End Avenue in Manhattan, New York I would awaken early to run in Riverside Park along the Hudson River. Walter, the night porter, would still be operating the elevator. He would go, “Tsk, tsk, tsk” with his tongue at me to indicate a warning. Upon my questioning, Walter said, “You will use it all up. You will use up all your energy and then …” He looked sad at the end of sentence so I interpreted that to mean the he was concerned that I would die when I used up all my energy due to foolishly running in the Park.

Life is not the contents of a container, even the body-container. We don’t die when the ‘contents’ are used up. Life is a flow of energy. People can allow or disallow the flow so it is a trickle, a stream, a river, or an ocean of energy.

When we put our attention on an idea a desire is generated that increases the energy flow. As we offer/direct more energy (attention, intention, desire, etc.) to that mental object we become more excited.

    We are streaming energy to that object.

We have started and are increasing the flow of energy in proportion to our level of excitement.

Now, instead of being like a regular D battery a better description is a recharging dynamo even as it is working.We transmit. We broadcast. And we receive energy. We receive the equivalent of what we have sent.

If you feel lethargic, search for something that excites you. Search for some action. Put your attention on someone else’s need and take action to fill it. Moving energy with purpose tends to excites one’s imagination as to what else is possible.

When a client says to me, “Nothing excites me” I take that as a very serious statement that they have stopped or limited the flow of energy

    from themselves

and consequently, to themselves. They have turned off the faucet of life and the ultimate result of that condition is death.

Rules to LiveToBe120andHealthy-Rule #2

Filed under: Most Popular Posts,Uncategorized — Tom @ 6:18 pm

Rule #2: Don’t let anyone else kill you.

I recall playing doctor as a young boy. I don’t recall if I initiated the game or my ‘patients’ did. Looking back this childhood experience of curiosity about the human body seem very natural.

Looking forward, we didn’t suspect that we, as a society, would be on the wrong end of the serious game of people ‘playing doctor.’

There are a lot of deadly risks in life. Not being killed by those risks is our responsibility. It might seem obvious but it is worth repeating:

    the ‘killers’ have agendas other than keeping you safe!

Imagine your role, not from the viewpoint you would normally see it from, but as the other person could be seeing it. Are you a piece of meat on an assembly line being processed, a certain number per hour, in a money-oriented business?

Consider the people sitting in the waiting room in the doctor’s office or in the hospital emergency room and ask yourself if this stockpile of human beings is evidence of the level of respect and appreciation the doctor or hospital personnel has for you and the other people.

The number of people killed in the US each years is calculated to be between 400,000 people to 1,000,000 people with some experts believing the figure is certainly at least 780,000. Those casualties are the ones that are known and identifiable. Those numbers don’t take into account the deaths that are hidden.

Folks, the odds are that you are now or will be killed by your doctors, their treatments or mis-treatments, the drugs given to you, or diseases you catch while in the hospital! Going to the doctor is like going to a casino and betting your life. When someone dies due to a medical screw-up, you will not hear, “He (or she) died of a medical screw-up.” You will hear, instead, “He (or she) died of complications of their illness.” No, they didn’t!! More than likely they died of complications from their treatment! The things that complicated the treatment are the things that killed them!

When you perceive the inaccuracy of, “My doctor is taking care of me” you will recognize that while your doctor is taking care of his medical business, it is your responsibility to take care of yourself. Let’s take the doctor’s point of view when they see someone entering their office and that person obviously doesn’t care about himself, won’t take responsibility for himself, and wants to shift the job of their health to the doctor. Why should the doctor invest his caring in such a wasted effort? If a doctor fell into that trap, the doctor wouldn’t last a year in the medical business. They would die from frustration and anger, disappointment and grief.

Rules to LiveToBe120andHealthy-Rule #1

Filed under: Mental,Most Popular Posts,Physical — Tom @ 11:17 pm

Rule #1: Don’t kill yourself.
For most people, death occurs at the end of a long series of ‘losses of life.’ Lots of ‘losses of life’ have a cumulative effect until there is not enough life left to keep the body functioning.

Losses of life are like cuts in the skin that cause bleeding. Some cuts are small nicks where only a few drops of blood (life) are lost. Other cuts are huge and dramatic and lots of blood is lost.

On a physical level, the body is a bag of blood. Breaking the skin is not a good idea. Think of this the next time someone wants to poke you with a syringe full of poison.

If you consider that, energetically, we may be a bag of energy contained within an invisible skin, we wouldn’t want to break that ‘skin’ either since energy would spill out.

Energy losses, like cuts in the physical skin, vary in severity at the moment and in the long-term.
This is really where ‘loss of life’ occurs. Insults, betrayals, humiliation, disapprovals, assaults, non-love, non-caring, the list of adverse childhood experiences all can result in loss of life.

Self-disapproval is the main weapon used in suicide. Self-disapproval results in loss of life so that the person is weakened spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically so that high vibration thoughts, emotions, and actions are not available to one’s awareness.

Opportunistic energies influence a weakened person to the point that lies are believed to be true, reason is reversed, and non-existence is felt to be better for the world and for the person. Actually, nothing is further from the truth.

Disapproval is a control device used on people from birth. When we mis-learn the lesson of disapproval we begin to use self-disapproval as a way to control ourselves. It doesn’t work any more than stabbing yourself with a knife would inspire greater achievements.

Having mis-learned lessons of control and disapproval, we then embark on the second most common characteristic of suicide–we try to control what can’t and shouldn’t be controlled by us.

We were controlled by others so we learned that control of others produces what we want. No, it doesn’t! The idea that one’s health, happiness, and success will come from controlling others sets conflicting energies in motion.

Self-control is the only viable and valuable form of control. When we try to control another we literally give energy to the other. It is our loss.

On sane person would stand up, walk over to a wall in the room they’re in and start pushing, expecting the wall to transform into a door in that spot. “What are you doing?, we would asked. “Trying to make this wall a door”, could be the answer. “The door is over here”, we would offer helpfully. “I want the door to be here and I want this wall to be the door!”

As this scenario continued and frustration and anger escalated, we might see the person running, crashing, screaming, and flailing to get the wall to be the door. All that human energy, devoted to trying to control outer circumstances, would be lost from the person. Death results from these accumulated losses.

Another way people toxify themselves to the point of death is to connect to their self-disapproval and project it onto other people. Anger, blame, cruelty, etc., actually prime the invisible ‘energy pump’ which responds, abundantly, with the same type vibrations we use to prime it.

When we offer gratitude to the object of our attention, we are priming a pump that will provide more vibrations that resonate with gratitude. That is, more things worthy of gratitude will come into our experience.

However, when we offer or project negative, lower vibration energy liike resentment, more things that resonate with the vibration of resentment come to us as surely as if we directly asked to feel more resentful.

These toxic vibrations, expressed through us and resupplied to us, will destroy the physical body even as they damage the mind and the emotions.

Expressing poison is the same as drinking poison. That fact, unknown to most people, is what gradually kills them. It is helpful to know, “You are drinking what you are expressing.”