What is the purpose of your life?
What is the purpose of your life? Who gets to decide?
Is it service and duty?
Is it to ‘learn lessons’?
Is it punishment for the past?
Is it to learn to be the Co-Creator?
Is it to be joyful?
One reason people give up on living is that they either don’t know their life’s purpose or they have lost sight of it.
First, let’s talk about what a life’s purpose is, where it comes from, how a person ‘finds’ it, and how a person uses it as an empowering force.
Before we do, though, let’s be clear: a life’s purpose is not a destination. A life’s purpose is the theme of one journey. It is helpful to know as it keeps us oriented, feeling more confident and certain. It becomes a sort of a star to navigate by. We all experience large numbers of ‘unknowns’ in day-to-day living so having rock solid ‘knowns’ can give us stability and balance.
A life’s purpose is the reason for a person to live.
A life’s purpose is that particular process of growth that a person chooses in order to learn and experience who they are, what they are capable of, how they want to ‘play’ with others on this planet.
A life’s purpose is that overriding expression of God-ness by way of our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Said another way, it is our own chosen way of Being, Doing and Having.
Our choices of Being, Doing, and Having are our vibrational signals that identify us to All-That-Is and everything that is.
Our vibrational signals dictate what we attract into our experience. We plant seed-thoughts and then harvest the results in the form of conditions in our life.
All living things are connected to a source of power. As such, all living things are expressions of that Source of power. If we are not expressing, in our own unique way, the Source’s power, what are we expressing?
Your life’s purpose is the form of expression you choose for your Source’s power flowing to you and through you.
The fact that so many people are sick, unhappy, in despair, ill-employed and worse is a reflection of the unawareness of their connection to Source and their right and responsibility to choose their life’s purpose.
A big problem with seeking or knowing your life’s purpose, as determined by you, is that you become less controllable; you are harder to manipulate. You will tend not to be misled as often. The merchants of fear and death find you less receptive to their schemes.
How does a person find their life’s purpose?
By using their minds and their emotions. By using their desire and will and the results they achieve. By taking action and adjusting these actions according to the emotional and physical feedback and results.
By recognizing that their life’s purpose will make them feel good about themselves and others. If a person has thoughts and take actions that don’t result in feeling better about self and others you can be sure they are off their optimum path. Just like the highway that has dividers, guide rails, and reflectors to alert you that you are moving out of your lane, your feelings serve the same purpose. Rather than deadening feelings, we should be listening to them.
Your life’s purpose feels fun. It is easy to see why merchants of fear and death would reject that notion. If you tuned into your own navigational system you would not fall into the marketing traps they use to ensnare people. Our self-awareness and self-control would reduce their control over us and decrease their profits!
120andHealthy is about learning to listen to and discovering ourselves.