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120andHealthy.com is a result of being involved in belief coaching and healing coaching for over 8 years. A common viewpoint was that the length and quality of life are outside the control of people so they assume less responsibility and causativeness than you would expect.

Many people said, “All the women in my family die from ……, usually when they are …… age.” “Men in my family die at 60, so I just accept that for myself.”  “God needed him so that is why he died.” “When it’s your time, it’s your time. And no one knows until the time is up!” “He has bad genes so he’s screwed.” And on and on go the denial of the part they play in the length and quality of their lives.

I say that our lives are symptoms of our beliefs. Look at the conditions of your life. If you don’t like what you see, change what you belief and then what you see will be different.

Instead of accepting the myths about aging, the increasing need to pop pharmaceutical time-bombs into your body, trying to use poisons to create health, why not explore other ideas about time, our bodies, health and aging?

Do you really think that God is deciding when you die? Do you not see the connection between your thinking, beliefs, feelings and behaviors that result in your lifestyle that contributes to you living or your dying?