Goals: To focus attention on great human potentials for life, peace, cooperation, and achievement. To counter-balance the merchants of fear, toxicity, sickness, and death who would control us to our detriment.
When living to 120 and being healthy is mentioned to people, most shrink at the thought of being 120 years old! They have images of being incapacitated, drooling, tubes-sticking-in-and-out-of-them, unable to move, think, talk, or care for themselves. That scares people into withdrawing from the idea at all. Most people wouldn’t volunteer for the conditions described above.
People didn’t seem to notice the obvious connection of 120 AND HEALTHY!
As surprising as it sounds, not everyone wants to be healthy. The idea of being healthy, for a lot of people, is the image of deprivation, eating one’s vegetables, moderation, self-control and commonsense. Those are difficult concepts to sell many people who won’t look past the immediate gratification for comfort.
Like the reckless, twenty-something uneducated man smoking a cigarette during a recent television documentary said, “Everybody’s got to die from something!” It is sad that he knows so little about the the value of his own life. Instead of creating a life, he was suiciding.
However, if your life has meaning or you want it to, or your mind has value to you and your family, if you believe you are alive for some purpose greater than your current circumstances, we do too! Come on in and read more.