Spiritual Research Project
Your participation is requested in the “Research project of the Spiritual Links to Illness.”
We request your help with this one question:
What early traumatic stress event or adverse childhood experience (ACE) in your life do you think affected your spirit and may be connected to this current illness?
Why are we asking for your help with this question?
We believe there is a spiritual-energetic basis to life. An interference with that spiritual-energetic basis is can lead to illness. People and groups committed to spiritual life are the ones who must take responsibility for gathering information about this point of view. If it is to be done it will be done by people like us.
Traumatic stress events are known to so disturb human beings that ill-effects can be felt for years and years after the actual event. There is research that says these events are directly connected to specific illnesses and unfortunate human behaviors.
We intend to do research that will find out the answer to the question of whether specific disturbances to the spiritual-energetic field of a person results in specific diseases.
We believe the main point of the current US and worldwide ‘healthcare’ crisis is being overlooked by the corporations who are pushing to allow themselves unfettered access to your money and your tax money.
We believe the basis of health and happiness (and the basis of ill-health and unhappiness) is spiritual-energetic in nature. Because so much money is available in the treatment market, medical organizations, practitioners and governmental powers are not willing to seek to find the spiritual-energetic causes of dis-ease and disease.
Because the Internet and email technologies allow small groups like us to communicate widely we can connect the dots between causes and effects that others refuse to pursue.
The solution to the ridiculously high costs of medications is to not need the medications. The television advertising of prescription drugs in the United States is designed to convince people that they need more drugs. The US is the only major industrialized country that allows pharmaceutical marketers to prey on television viewers.
Health is provided by some other Power than a doctor with a snake-like stethoscope around his neck. It is the disruption of our connection to this Higher Power, however you call it, that imbalances the body and degrades its ability to heal itself. Lots of diseases are said to have “no known cause” and worse yet, “no known cure.” These statements are false. From the high altitude view, stress is known to be the main cause of the great majority of illness. The reduction of stress is known to allow the body to be able to cure itself.
Our one question research project is designed to go deeper into the specifics of the stresses involved. These stresses, left unbalanced, lead to dis-ease and disease. By discovering the specific events we will know what images and beliefs need to be healed.
My interest in this subject goes back over 45 years when I was told “We know so little about healing” when I asked why a person who was declared terminally ill recently looked so healthy now. More recently, Kaiser Permanente medical doctors became aware of the connection between traumatic stress events suffered by children affecting the health of these children/people years later when they were showing up in doctors’ offices with medical conditions. Kaiser Permanente doctors called these traumatic stress events “Adverse Childhood Experiences” or ACE’s. This study, now on-going for over 10 years, is called the ACE Study.
The simple questions used by Kaiser Permanente helped to determine the degree of stress in the life of that person before he or she was 18 years of age. The ACE Study used a simple scoring method to determine the extent of each study participant’s exposure to childhood trauma. Exposure to one category (not incident) of ACE, qualifies as one point. When the points are added up, the ACE Score is achieved. An ACE Score of 0 (zero) would mean that the person reported no exposure to any of the categories of trauma listed as ACEs above. An ACE Score of 9 would mean that the person reported exposure to all of the categories of trauma listed above. The ACE Score is referred to throughout all of the peer-reviewed publications about the ACE Study findings. http://www.acestudy.org/files/ACE_Score_Calculator.pdf
In our work with Healing Code clients, individual and group coaching, and our pastoral work, we are beginning to see patterns of experiences and the people’s personal interpretations that seemed to be connected to certain diseases. There appears to be experiences of energy overwhelm or energy domination that disempower an individual that, left uncorrected over time, can lead to disease.
The purpose of the Healing Codes, other energy modalities, and other spiritual practices is to shift the relationship with those past events. It may seem that the past events are past but the relationship with those events still exists in present time energetically. In other words, the return to a natural state of balance–spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically–is possible.
Caveat/Caution/Disclaimer: If you feel you are in a fragile state in which recalling your past experiences may be upsetting to you, please don’t go any further in this research project. Thank you for taking responsibility for yourself and caring for yourself.
Our disclaimer is that the Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any mental or emotional condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deal with the spiritual issues of the heart and it is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. If you are in need of medical treatment for any mental, emotional, or physical condition we strongly encourage you to seek treatment from a trustworthy medical professional.
Please choose the physical issue that is most affecting your peace now.
Please choose only one by clicking on that link.
If none apply to you, please click on ‘Other’ and then type a description of that issue in the ‘Other’ field or don’t go any further in the research project.
If more than one issue is affecting your life, you may return later to complete the One Question Research one issue at a time.